In a Heartbeat
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Chapter Five

  A car drove by through the road stopping in front of the building. Zaras bakery was written in bold on top of it. Putting off the engine, she dropped out of the car holding two containers, a smile on her face as she glided towards the entrance.

  "Guys, Im back" she beamed while shaking the container on her hands. The two boys turned to her with a glare.

  Her brows squinted in confusion "Why the face?" she queried placing the containers on the long bench.

  "Oh, now youre asking us huh? Weve been waiting for you for almost half an hour" Amir declared. Zara heaved out a sharp breath.

  "I thought its something serious, there was an accident thats why I couldnt arrive early. But Im here now whats the big deal. Now lets get back to work"

  "Let me go get the brushes" Fawwaz announced disappearing to a room and. came back with three painting brushes.

  "Here," he gave each of them a pair.

  "Well start with the upper part since youre not up to our height, you paint the lower part" Amir let out his back facing her but she could sense him smiling. Curling her hands into a fist, she targets his back, whispering to Fawwaz to keep shut. and punch his arms.

  "Ouch! what the-" the voice died down in his throat finding both Zara and Fawwaz laughing on top of their lungs.

  "Whats that supposed to mean?" he asked rubbing his hands on the area she punches him.

  "For calling me short" she stated crossing her arms over her chest, with a slight smirk at the corner of her lips. Amir Slammed his eyes shut and open them again "When did I say that?"

  "Few minutes ago" She answered back with a cocky smile.

  "I didnt-"

  "Oh troublemakers, lets get this done quickly" Fawwaz clapped his hands together. "As you can see we have a lot of things to do and were not even halfway through"

  "Who are you calling troublemaker?" Zara glared at him.

  "And who is the person who insists on not hiring a professional to do the work" Amir retorted back.

  "If you guys are going to keep on arguing then Ill just take a seat comfortably and wait when you finished well then continue"

  "Okay lets start" Zara rolled her eyes while readjusting her veil that was almost out of place.

  They started the painting which is a mixture of Milk and light purple color. While the kitchen area is painted light brown. Work was going smoothly, silence prevailed while they work until Zara decided to start her troubles by sprinkling the paint on Amirs face.

  "Ya Allah Zara, cant you stay in peace without looking for trouble" he muttered through gritted teeth.

  "Why will I, when I cant stay in one place without looking for trouble especially to my single cousins. One who is hiding his girlfriend from me and the other who said hes not interested in girlfriends" she flung her arms in an explaining manner. Both Fawwaz and Amir stared at her without saying anything. Amir faces in some kind of unreadable expression while Fawwazs face was blank.

  "Why are you both looking at me like that?" she asked her eyes darting to both of them.

  "Thats because we dont know what to say to you. It seems like youre really interested in knowing the girl in my heart right?" Amir throws, a smirk appearing on his lips.

  "Exactly, Youre curious to know the reason why Im not interested in having a girlfriend" Fawwaz added. Both the mens folded their arms across their chest staring at her with a smirk on their faces.

  "Me?...Im just..." she stuttered finding the right word to say. For the first time in a while, she was speechless around them. And the fact that theyre waiting for her to answer their question kind of made nervousness crept into her. Not knowing what to do, she splashed the paint on their shirt and ran off.

  "Zara!" They both shouted together running after her with their containers of paints. A few minutes later, the whole place was turned upside down with paint everywhere and it still didnt make them stop, until they heard a loud sound, which made them stopped dead on their tracks, seeing Their parents standing few miles away from them with a displeasing look.

  "Mom, Dad"

  "Is this what you call work?" Zaras father started, his eyes flitting across the now untidy place.

  "I cant even imagine what will happen, if we keep you in the house, maybe in just two days the house will burn down by itself because of your troubles," Jawad said sarcastically. "And you Fawwaz, I thought youre more matured than them that you will stop them but I think you three are all troublemakers" Fawwaz glanced at Zara through his shoulder with a You caused it all Zara shrugged not caring a bit.

  "I know Zara is the main masterpiece behind it" Her mom started. Zara pouted turning her face to the other side.

  "Yes she started it, by splashing paint on Our bodies" Amir answered giving her a dirty look which she did the exact.

  "You see were not done talking and the two have started already " Myrah stated moving away from the table, so as not to get the paint onto her clothes.

  "Exactly, Now Im giving you fifteen minutes to tidy up the place" Jawad deadpan.

  "Right away" Zara answered with a bow and the two glared at her.


  After serving their punishment, they drove back home. Amir went home while she went together with Myrah since shes staying at her house. The drive to the house was in silence. Zara has been sulking continuously as her own punishment was far more difficult than theirs. Her father made her tidy even the places that are clean already.

  The moment they entered the house, Zara slouched herself on the couch, letting out a sigh.

  "Today was hectic" she mumbled.

  "Suit you well" Fawwaz answered while making his way upstairs. She resists the urge to roll her eyes, hes suppose to sympathize with her instead hes doing the opposite.

  "Make sure you take a hot shower, You know you might need it if you dont want to go to work with an arching body" Zara sarcastically uttered making Fawwaz stop on his tracks.

  "Oops, did I press the wrong button?" she said with a fake surprise look. Fawwaz turned, trekking to her direction standing in front with enough distance between them.

  "I think youre the one who needs it, I can see how your foot is all swelled up already," he said, a smile dangled at the corner of his lips. Zaras head snapped to her toes. Hes right, she needed a massage, a good one at it. But shes not going to accept defeat yet.

  "My dear cousin, Im a strong woman this is nothing to me" she proudly said.

  "Oh really? Then we shall see between me and you, who will suffer. See you later troublemaker" without waiting for her answer, he sprinted up not before winking at her.
